True Confessions of an Interim

Jan 15, 2025

By The Rev. Dr. Carl Grosse

It wasn’t as bad as last year, but the snow event of January 2025 still wreaked havoc. Hopefully we learned from history and made some improvements in our response procedures. Gresham Road conditions remain our most persistent challenge. Almost all our handicap access is on that street. Because of shade from the building, snow and ice don’t melt as quickly as sunnier spots. We can clear the walks, but unless we have the street plowed the parking on Gresham stays risky much longer. What our neighbors decide is one factor, but our conditions are unique. Central Baptist or Fountain City Methodist might have clear access where we still have high-risk snow and ice. 

We also have staffing to consider. If our music team or tech team can’t get to church, we’re kind of dead in the water for proceeding with a live service. Liability and feasibility are the two main criteria for determining whether or not to cancel a worship service. We err on the side of caution, especially with regard to those who regularly use Gresham Road entrances. 

Please keep this in mind. Missing church once or twice doesn’t mean you’re abandoning God or your church family. You and God know when you’re at risk for that problem. I had lovely texts, emails, and a couple phone calls from people last Sunday that reminded me I’m still cared for, and I hope you feel cared for from me even when I’m not in the pulpit. If we really believe that not even death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, why would we get our knickers in a twist if one snowstorm disrupts one church service? Is the greater demonstration of faith staying safe because we believe God wants us to care, or forcing the issue because our idea of God demands it? Didn’t Jesus Himself get in trouble for caring about people on the Sabbath even when it “broke the rules”?

We’ll try to make responsible decisions when inclement weather happens. I can’t guarantee we’ll please everyone or even make the “right” call every time. But let’s all try and have a little faith no matter what the weather.