True Confessions of an Interim

May 30, 2024

By The Rev. Dr. Carl Grosse

Because we had communion twice in May, we will not have communion on June 2. This is my first summer with you, and I’m curious to see how it compares to other places I’ve been. Up north, church attendance drops like an anchor as people head to cabins, lakes, and resorts for the weekend. Denise was involved with campground ministry in Glacier National Park when we first met (classic example of “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”). I’m hoping a relaxed schedule here lets me focus on the next set of organizational tasks while finding time to enjoy more of East Tennessee. 

Please pray for your Pastor Nominating Committee this summer. The PNC will have their first meeting with Presbytery representatives on June 10, and then their work begins in earnest. Filling in the Ministry Discernment Profile content takes time and thoughtful effort. The MDP basically becomes the job posting prospective pastors will see when they look through openings on the denomination’s web site. Your PNC wants to do a good job and that’s what I pray for them. 

Denise and I are so grateful to be here with you, and you’ve blessed us immensely with your kindness and warmth. We feel so welcomed! As long as God has us here, we count it a privilege to share His Word and His love with you. We’ve been impressed with your dedication and commitment to this church, the many ways you get involved and support the work. Most impressive has been your love and care for each other. I hope you will always nurture that for those you know, and welcome others into this family of brothers and sisters in Christ so they can experience the wonderful love God has given you.