By Tere McDonough
Thanks to the many volunteers who signed up to help when four Family Promise families will be offered food and safe, cool places to sleep on the 3rd floor of our church from July 21 – 28. In addition to this great response, we still need:
- three more people to help transform 3rd floor rooms into bedrooms after worship on July 21
- three more people from 7 am to 8:30 am on Sunday July 28 to help clean the areas used by the families
- three more people to wash and dry 1 or more bags of sheets, towels, blankets, and other items used by the families (those who volunteer can pick up laundry in the hallway near the 3rd floor elevator on or after Sunday July 28 and return it within a couple of weeks to the room across from the Fireside Room).
An alternate way to signup is to contact Tere McDonough at 865-406-6417 or