True Confessions of an Interim

Dec 18, 2024

By The Rev. Dr. Carl Grosse

Interim pastors don’t hang around long enough to establish meaningful Christmas card relationships. That being said, we are so blessed to spend the time we have here with you all. You have been so kind to us from the very beginning! I’ve experienced patience and grace from you through mistakes on Session, in the worship services, stepping on the occasional toes, and a hundred other awkward moments in my work among you. Denise doesn’t have that because she’s just the sweetest thing. 

You have also listened to the sermons, and many of you have had good conversations about them. We’ve prayed for each other, shared stories, walked through some dark places together. I’ve had ideas you’ve said no to, and others you’ve encouraged. We’ve shared some of the best food ever! I’m amazed at the talents, abilities, experiences, wisdom, and resources here, and some of the ways you bless others with it all really lifts my spirit. 

So here is Denise and my Christmas card to the people of Fountain City Presbyterian Church. We use words like love, joy, forgiveness, kindness, patience, giving, serving, all the time in church. You have made these words become flesh to us, to each other, and to those around you. This is the greatest gift you can give, and we are so blessed because you do. It is just like your Heavenly Father, whose Word became flesh and dwelt among us that first Christmas long ago. We will take that gift with us wherever we go from here, and for us it will always be the main thing about Fountain City Presbyterian Church. Merry Christmas!