There are several ways to connect with your faith and fellow members of FCPC. We offer a variety of classes and gathering options to meet your interests and schedule. Most of our classes offer a virtual option for those who cannot attend in person!
Women of Hope Bible Study
Led by: Susan Espiritu
Tuesday Bible Study is composed of women of all ages who engage in meaningful Bible study and fellowship.
Disciple Class
Teacher: Carl Snow
The Disciple Class is a wonderful and challenging class that helps learners engage scripture in a thoughtful and informed way while focusing on becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.
Monday Evenings: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Thursday Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Each Thursday, FCPC’s men gather at 7:30am in the Greeting Room to pray and discuss the lectionary scripture passage from the upcoming week. After prayer and study, the group travels to have breakfast and fellowship with one another.
Grandma’s Pajamas
Grandma’s Pajamas has turned the skill of sewing into a way of loving our neighbors through sewing pajamas and lots of other things for our ministry partners-Fountain City Ministry Center, Family Promise, Belize and beyond.

Lunch Bunch
The third Thursday of each month offers a wonderful opportunity for fellowship, fun, and food! Members of FCPC meet at church and travel together to restaurants around Knoxville and beyond. Check the Weekly Word for updates on news about the time and place of the next Lunch Bunch outing.
Pilsner Presbyterians
Fourth Fridays give an awesome opportunity to gather with new and old friends at Fountain City Social Club at 2:30pm for a beer and a laugh. The atmosphere is casual and welcoming.

Each year, we gather for Vacation Bible School to help foster love for Christ and to deepen the faith of our participants. Alongside wonderful offerings for children and youth, we offer adult VBS classes on engaging topics. Vacation Bible School at FCPC is fun and formative for all ages. Check out this page for updates on this year’s theme and for registration information.
Second Friday Presbyterians
Each Second Friday, members of FCPC gather at a local bar or brewery for fellowship and libations. The mood is always welcoming and family-friendly if people choose to bring their children, but childcare is provided upon request. Past meeting spots have included Schultz Brau, Hexagon, and Gypsy Circus.