At FCPC, we believe that we have the privilege and obligation to help children come to know the loving God who created and claimed them as God’s own child. We have committed and dedicated Sunday School teachers who use story, song, and play to invite children (from Pre-K – 5th Grade) to the wonder of God’s love and a relationship with Jesus Christ. At FCPC, we follow a rotational model that helps to instill variety and fun!
What to expect
A child who attends Sunday School at FCPC can expect the following:
Storytime with Carol Smith – We believe that hearing and telling an amazing story of our faith is central to who we are as Christians. Children will learn about the core stories of the Old and New Testaments through an engaging storytelling time with Carol Smith, the longest serving Sunday School teacher at FCPC and is beloved by all!

Crafts with Leigh Mosely – Building and creating are important parts of a child’s learning experience at FCPC and we are grateful for the creativity and love that Leigh brings to her crafting experience each week. Children will come to better understand the important stories of our faith by creating and making something that reinforces the story for the day. We love Leigh as much as Leigh loves glitter!
Song with Angela Bell – Scripture tells us to “Make a joyful noise” and fewer things are sweet or more joyful than the sound of children’s voices singing about God’s love for them and the world. Angela helps our children to lift their voices with song and dance as they reflect upon and sing about our Lord! We are so thankful for Angela’s gifts and love for the children of FCPC!