


Susan Espiritu, chair

The Personnel Committee is responsible for the care and support of our Pastor and Staff. Through mentoring, policy-making, and strategic planning, our Personnel Committee helps the Pastor and staff live into their call to serve FCPC by honing their gifts and keeping their faith nurtured.

Stewardship and Finance

Teresa Brittain, Chair

Our committee is entrusted to care for the financial gifts and pledges of the church while maintaining accurate financial records and effective policies to protect the financial health and security of the church. We help advise and educate our congregation, committees, and Session members to improve the overall financial literacy of our church in a transparent manner. We are a well-rounded group composed of congregational members, Session members, staff and our treasurer dedicated to being good stewards of God’s financial blessings on our church.
We oversee the annual budget setting, set sustainable and effective financial policies, creatively approach and execute our annual stewardship campaign.
Typically we meet via Zoom once per month.


Brett Miller, Chair

The Worship Team focuses on all things worship service: liturgists, pastor supply, communion schedules, special Sundays, ushers, live-streaming, weddings, funerals and building use. We also have the privilege of overseeing special choir performances. Our team meets in the Greeting Room, every other 4th Monday of the month at 7:00 PM

Congregational Connections

Dana Lamb, Chair

Our focus is to attend to the needs of all age groups of the church. We welcome visitors and new members into the church. Example: We give travel cups and information to first time members and follow up with written cards. We take those wanting to join our church before the session. Our team hosts a new member luncheon periodically. We connect with the Davis Center by periodically serving coffee and Danish to parents whose children attend the center. We also give attention to the Davis Center staff (for example, we provided a Christmas dinner for the staff the past year). We send cards to shut-ins, the sick, the bereaved, high school and college graduates, etc.–also we deliver “care bags” to those who are elderly, ill, or unable to attend church and bereavement meals to families of church members who have passed away. We administer communion to those who cannot attend church services. We are in charge of publicity from our church to the community outside our church (for example, newspaper announcements) and also within the church (for example, church directories). We have a freezer ministry: cooking, freezing, and delivering food to members needing a meal. We provide mentors for young families having new babies. Connections Team meets quarterly rather than monthly.

FCPC Foundation

Chris Rohwer, Chair

The Trustees of the FCPC Foundation, who are elected by the congregation, are
responsible for the management and disbursement of the funds, gifts, grants and property of the FCPC Foundation. The FCPC Foundation fund was created to receive and manage the property or monies from bequests, trusts, memorials and other special gifts that are to be used for the benefit of the congregation or any of its missions and to provide for their management. Further, the purpose is to promote the charitable, religious, educational, and mission purposes of FCPC and to provide for capital additions or special needs of the Church.

The Bylaws of the Foundation stipulate that contributions to the Endowment Funds be held in perpetuity, unless requested by the donor to use the principal as a designated grant or in extreme situations affecting the survival of the church. However, Income from Endowment assets can be used for such purposes as designated by the donor, or if undesignated, as determined by the Foundation Trustees. Requests to the Foundation Trustees for grants from the available funds may come from the congregations, Session, and other FCPC organizations.

The Bylaws further stipulate that Endowment income or the Endowment Fund shall not be used for the support of the annual Church operating budget unless the donor of a particular gift specifically directs that it be so used. Funds are intended to be used to support needs that are outside the scope of the typical Church budget, such as capital improvements, special events/programs, etc.

The Foundation Trustees meet early each calendar year to elect officers and assign responsibilities for the year. Then meetings are called as needed to consider grant requests, policy issues, and other items that arise – these meetings are not held on a regular schedule, and are called as the need arises.


Mike Lamb, Chair

Maintenance and Repairs at FCPC is performed by both volunteers from the congregation along with subcontractor services. An outside janitorial service is employed to handle this function. A list of various areas to be addressed along with the timing to assure the FCPC complex is properly addressed is maintained. Several congregational members address many of the minor issues regarding Maintenance and Repair. At times when required Maintenance and Repair cannot be accomplished by volunteers, FCPC uses the services of several professional services to address these needs.

Long Range Planning 
Long Range Planning is charged with the responsibility of maintaining those items which protect the structural integrity, safety and viability of the FCPC campus by strategically addressing potential issues, from HVAC and furnaces, to lightbulbs and parking lot maintenance. The operation, safety and maintenance of FCPC and the Davis Daycare wing are the Long Range Planning team’s top priority. We are grateful for the members who serve on this committee to keep our campus safe as well as looking great.

Officer Nominating Committee

Darlene Miller, Chair

ONC is responsible for nominating ruling elders to serve on the FCPC Session.  They follow the guidelines in The Presbyterian Church’s Book of Order (G-2.03 and G-2.04) to discern recommendations from the congregation.  Additionally, they work with the pastor and the FCPC teams’ moderators to determine needs and ensure adequate representation for the teams on the Session. They make the recommendation for the new slate of ruling elders to the congregation, which must be voted on at a congregational meeting.  This team also secures FCPC foundation members and trustees.  They may be called upon to assist with securing a moderator for a team.  The members of the ONC team, who are representative of the church membership, also must be approved by a congregational vote.  Typically, this occurs at the FCPC Annual Congregational Meeting.  The PCUSA Book of Order has specific guidelines for how this team is developed and the scope of their work.  The team begins their work in the summer with a goal to have the congregational meeting and voting completed in the fall. The time and day for meetings are determined each year based on the schedules of the ONC members. 

Faith Formation

Mac Holland, Chair

The Faith Formation team diligently works together to create intentional spaces where children, youth, and adults can connect with one another and grow in their faith. Faith Formation is tasked with planning and implementing educational programming like Sunday School and Welcome on Wednesday as well as Fellowship events that facilitate community building. Members of the Faith Formation team do not need to have a background in education to serve but a willingness to have fun and help people of all ages connect with the life-giving love of God in meaningful ways is a must!


Trayce Robertson and Denna Grogan, Co-Chair

The Mission Team is responsible for planning mission trips and events, learn about mission agencies, and steward benevolence funds to help address dire needs in our community. The Mission Team strives to create opportunities for people of all ages, experience levels, and availability to have a chance to respond to God’s love for them through meaningful action in the community, nation, and world. If you feel called to help others put their faith in action, perhaps you are being called to serve on the Mission Team.